Audiovisual health resources for school children in the context of the media and education interface: scoping review


  • Gabriela Rodrigues Bragagnollo
  • Marcela das Neves Guimarães Porciúncula
  • Wallacy Jhon Silva Araújo
  • Tâmyssa Simões dos Santos
  • Fernanda Priscila Sezefredo
  • Stephanie Rodrigues Bragagnollo
  • Diogo Rógora Kawano
  • Danilo Vizibeli



The objective of this study was to map the scientific evidence regarding the use of audiovisual resources as an educational health strategy for school children. This is a scoping review, which sought to answer the following question: “What is the scientific evidence regarding the use of audiovisual resources as an educational health strategy for school children?” The final sample was made up of six studies. The topics covered oral health, nutrition and healthy snacks; management of tooth avulsion; obesity, diet, physical exercise, weight and blood pressure control; combating Aedes aegypti, which transmits dengue, Zika and Chikungunya; burn prevention; and anxiety care before menarche. It was possible to map the use of audiovisual resources as an educational health strategy for school children, showing that educational videos are a pedagogical resource that contributes to the teaching-learning process and favors meaningful, interactive and participatory learning.

study was to map the scientific evidence about the use of audiovisual resources as an educational health strategy for school children. This is a scoping review, which sought to answer the following question: “What is the scientific evidence regarding the use of audiovisual resources as an educational health strategy for school children?” The final sample was made up of six studies. The topics covered oral health, nutrition and healthy snacks; management of tooth avulsion; obesity, diet, physical exercise, weight and blood pressure control; combating Aedes aegypti, which transmits dengue, Zika and Chikungunya; burn prevention; and anxiety care before menarche. It was possible to map the use of audiovisual resources as an educational health strategy for school children, showing that educational videos are a pedagogical resource that contributes to the teaching-learning process and favors meaningful, interactive and participatory learning.



How to Cite

RODRIGUES BRAGAGNOLLO, G.; PORCIÚNCULA, M. das N. G.; ARAÚJO, W. J. S.; DOS SANTOS, T. S.; SEZEFREDO, F. P.; BRAGAGNOLLO, S. R. .; KAWANO, D. R.; VIZIBELI, D. Audiovisual health resources for school children in the context of the media and education interface: scoping review. Revista Eixos Tech, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, 2024. DOI: 10.18406/2359-1269v11n42024402. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.