Ergonomia Aplicada No Desenvolvimento De Produtos Para Pessoas Com Desvios Posturais Por Meio Do Software 3D




Anthropometry in the construction of basic diagrams in clothing modeling assumes fundamental importance in modeling developments that meet the body diversity present in society, thus, the objective of this article is to investigate the configuration of silhouettes of people with postural deviations through manual bourrage and digital in the design of the upper base diagram for modeling clothing. To this end, the methodological procedure adopted is based on a qualitative research approach, with an applied nature and aimed at exploratory research with a bibliographical research procedure. As a result, there is the contribution of using digital bourrage as a facilitating resource in the development of bodies, as well as a financial advantage through the agility present in the use of the software in the design of bodies with postural deviations, also pointing out the differences found in the comparison with bourrage manual.




How to Cite

IO, V.; MION, F. P. .; MENEZES, M. dos S. Ergonomia Aplicada No Desenvolvimento De Produtos Para Pessoas Com Desvios Posturais Por Meio Do Software 3D. Revista Eixos Tech, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 7, 2025. DOI: 10.18406/2359-1269v11n72024529. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.